Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Additives
Duradd 5
Product description
Duradd 5 is a special blended powder of titanium
complex compounds to condition and refine metal
surfaces prior to zinc phosphating for spray and
immersion systems.
- Duradd 5 refines and activates the metal surface to form fine crystalline & uniform zinc phosphate coating on it.
- Duradd 5 produces very excellent results at very low concentration and even tolerates hard water in its preparation in both spray and immersion systems.
- Duradd 5 moderates and lower the consumption of zinc phosphate chemicals.
- Duradd 5 helps to get very smooth and fine Zinc phosphate coating for better adhesion of final finish and lasting corrosion protection to iron, steel and galvanized steel..
Physical & chemical Properties
- Appearance Powder Color white pH (0.3%) at 25 oC 9.2 ±0.3 Total Alkaline Points (0.3%) 3.4±0.5 Solubility in water (under desired quantity) Soluble
- The main process tank can be fabricated from stainless steel or mild steel.
Process Sequences
Operating Parameters
- Concentration(w/v%): 0.1 to 0.3 Total alkaline point : 0.5 to 3.5 Temperature. : 20 to 40 0C. (Max.) Pressure. : 1 to 1.5 bars. Time. : 30 to 60 Sec. PH value. : 8.7 to 9.5
Initial Preparation
- Add Duradd.5 in range from 1 to 3 kg per 1000 liter in refining tank while mixing.
- It is recommended to dissolve powder in pale water before add to bath.