Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Aluminum Treatment
Duracolor R
Product description
Duracolor R is powder of ferric ammonium oxalate used for gold coloring anodized aluminum.
- Duracolor .R provides shade from weak
nickel silver to gold and brass coloring. - Duracolor. R is easy to use product since
only it depends on pH-value and
- Duracolor .R is a high-effective coloring dye
in the anodizing process.
Physical & chemical Properties
- Appearance Powder
Color Pale yellow green
PH (1%) at 25 oC 5 ± 0.5
Solubility in water Soluble
(under desired quantity)
Duracolor R tank should be made of stainless steel or mild steel lined with rubber, PP, PVC, or other acid resistant material.
Process Sequences
- Cleaning and degreasing
- DI Water rinse
- Etching with Caustic Soda
- DI Water rinse
- Desmutting DI Water rinse
- Anodizing
- DI Water rinse
- Coloring with Duracolor R
- Sealing cold
- DI Water rinse
Operating Parameters
Duracolor R Conc. 5 – 15 kg / 1000 lit
Temperature 40 to 50 o C
Time: Depends on shades
pH 4.5 ± 0.5 *
Initial Preparation
- Add 5.0 to 15 kg of Duracolor R per 1000 lit of
operating volume. - It is desired to prepare bath freshly, materials subject
to oxidized.
- Current variation may cause color variations.
- To increase throwing power in elctrocoloring
bath, Duracolor S can be used.