Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Aluminum Treatment
Duraseal 410
Product description
Duraseal 410 is liquid blended product for the hot water
sealing of anodized aluminum.
- Duraseal 410 can be diluted with water at low ratio
percentage depending upon the electrolytic color in
operation. - Duraseal 410 doesn’t coagulate due to carried over
foreign salts or thermally cracked at the heating plates. - Heavy metal ions from the coloring bath will not
influence the effectiveness of sealing bath.
- Duraseal 410 is used as an additive to the hot water sealing bath for the prevention of sealing smudge during
the sealing process.
Physical & chemical Properties
- Appearance Liquid.
Color Colorless
PH (1%) at 25oC 5.8 ± 0.3
Sp gr. @ 25oC 1.03 ± 0.05
Miscibility in water Miscible
Tank should be made from stainless steel or any other
acid proof material.
Process Sequences
- Cleaning and degreasing.
- DI Water rinse
- tching with Caustic Soda
- DI Water rinse
- Desmutting
- DI Water rinse
- Anodizing
- DI Water rinse
- Electrolytic coloring
- Hot Sealing with Duraseal 410
- DI Water rinse
Operating Parameters
Concentration(%w/v) 0.1 to 0.3
Temperature oC 95 to 100
pH to be maintained at 5.8
Time 1 – 2 min/micron deposit
Initial Preparation
- Duraseal 410 is added at the rate of 1 to 3 g / lit of
operative volume of bath. - Concentration of bath largely depends upon the
shade of color in production.
- Phosphate, silicates and fluorides are considered as
sealing poisons and should be avoided. - Carry over from alkaline or acidic bath will upset the
pH of sealing bath, it should be checked regularly
and controlled as much as possible. - Uncontrolled bath will produce bloom on the work
piece. Preparation of over concentrated bath should be
avoided. - Addition of 1.5 to 2 gm s/lit of Nickel acetate will help
to avoid bloom. - Bath circulation to be maintained all the time.
- Sealing bath should be change periodically