Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Aluminum Treatment / powder-coating
Product description
Durapass.714.A and Durapass 714B are two component
system specifically formulated to give chrome free conversion layer on aluminum.
Durapass.714.A/B are QUALICOAT approved products for chrome free passivation.
- Durapass.714 A/B is formulated as a NO-Rinse
passivation for aluminum pretreatment line industry to
provide superior adhesion and a good corrosion
resistance. - Durapass.714.A/B is an environmental friendly product
producing thin uniform transparent chromium free coating
at low concentration and temperature on aluminum
- Durapass.714 A/B is specially formulated liquid product
for spray and immersion system for aluminum alloys.
Physical & chemical Properties
Color Pale yellow liquid
Odor Characteristic
PH (1%) at 25oC 3.4 ± 0.2
Density at 25oC 1.03 ±0.02 g/cm3
Miscibility in water Miscible
Color Colorless liquid
Odor Characteristic
pH (1%) at 25 oC 2.3 ± 0.2
Density at 25 oC 1.06 ± 0.03 g/cm3
Miscibility in water Miscible
Main tank can be fabricated from hard PVC or stainless steel or fluoride resistant plastic. All other equipments in contact of stainless steel 316.
Process Sequences
- Cleaning, Degreasing, Etching, desmutting .
- Rinse with water
- Rinse with D.I water
- Passivation using Durapass 714 A/B.
- Drying
Operating Parameters
Concentration (v/v %)
Durapass 714A 1.2
Durapass.714B 1.7
pH 2.5-3.2
Time (sec) 30 to 90
Temperature (0C) 25 to 35
Nozzle pressure (Bar) 1.0 to 1.5
Maximum Iron Content 10 ppm
Initial Preparation
Add 12 litter of Durapass.714A & 17 liter of Durapass.714B per 1000 Liter.
- Bath is sensitive to iron contaminations.
- D.I water should be used to prepare the bath
with max conductivity 50 μS.