Product Categories / Detergents & Disinfectants / Laundry Products
Dura pickling liquid
Product description
- Dura pickling liquid is a fluorinated acidic liquid used mainly for pickling of stainless steel tanks and installations.
- Dura pickling liquid is used in pipe line circulations, spray and immersion.
- Dura pickling liquid used as a fast pickling process.
- Dura pickling liquid removes light rust, iron particles
and welding slag. - Dura pickling liquid can be used in etching of aluminum and titanium alloy.
Physical & Chemical Properties:
Color:Clear Colorless
PH (0.1%) at 25oC: < 3.0
Density at 25oC: 1.1 ± 0.08 g/cm3
Total Acid Points (1%) :7.3 ± 0.2
Miscibility in water :Miscible
Dura pickling liquid tank should be plastic or plastic
lined, pumps fittings in contact must be fluoride
Operating Parameters:
- Concentration Used as it is without dilution
Temperature (oC) Ambient
Time (h) 2 to 6 - For pipe circulations, pipe is filled with Dura pickling liquid and circulated min. 2 hours. Then flash with DM water.
- For spray and immersion applications, storage tanks, articles is sprayed by undiluted Dura pickling liquid or immersed in plastic tanks. Treating time is depending on contamination on the surface.
Process Sequences:
- Cleaning surface from grease, oil and dust.
- Treat with Dura pickling liquid
Initial preparation:
- Dura pickling liquid is used without dilution.
- Before effluent the used Dura pickling liquid
should be neutralized, the acids and fluorides
should be treated.
Storage Information
- Storage & Handling
Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in
a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not expose to
direct sun. Stable nonflammable product. Avoid
store near alkaline, alcoholic, reducing materials.
Store in temperature not above 40oC.
Shelf Life.
Two years from date of production if stored in
normal condition.
Packaging Type
HDPE containers, outer sealed with ventilated
Standard Packing
Dura pickling liquid is available in 1000 Kg