Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Cleaning / Cleaning Alkaline
Duraclean 200
Product description
- Duraclean.200 is a homogeneous alkaline silicate based powder product with surfactant used to clean the steel substrates.
Duraclean.200 is most suitable for iron, steel,
aluminum die cast and zinc.
- Duraclean 200 is medium foam heavy duty alkaline cleaner specially designed for spray systems.
- Duraclean 200 is a specially designed multi metal cleaner to remove dust, heavy oil, grease and soil from the work piece in a very short span
of time with the help of its superior detergent component of formulation and emulsification power.
Physical & Chemical Properties:
Appearance :Free.flowing.powder
Color :White to yellowish
pH (1%) at 25 oC :12.2±0.4
Total Alkaline Points (1%): 11.5±0.5
Free Alkaline Points (1%): 8.5±0.5
Foam Test (1%)ml :60±20 : Soluble
(under desired quantity)
The main process tank can be fabricated from mild
steel. All the spray nozzles should be of stainless
steel or PVC to avoid corrosion.
Operating Parameters:
Concentration (w/v %) :1 to 3
Pointage 8.0 – 25
Temperature (0C): 45 – 65
Time (min) :1 – 3
Nozzle pressure (Bar) :1.0 – 1.5
Process Sequences:
- Cleaning and degreasing by Duraclean 200
- Water Rinse.
- Water Rinse.
- Metal finishing
Initial Preparation
- For fresh preparation add 10 to 30 kg of Duraclean 200
per 1000 liters of operating volume.
- Before adding Duraclean 200 to the bath dissolve it in
a little amount of warm water. - Skim the oil from the surface of Duraclean.200 tank at least twice in a shift.
- Clean the tank at least once in two months to remove
all the deposited silt and dust in the bottom. - Check the free alkaline point at least once in a day
before replenishment.