Product Categories / Metal Treatment / Steel Treatment / Iron Phosphating

Duraphos 507

Product description

  • Duraphos 507 is a synthesized liquid blend of inorganic phosphate, fluorinated compounds, and special surfactant suitable to use at a low temperature and concentration for spray processes.


  • Duraphos.507 develops fine, smooth, and uniform bluish Color amorphous on steel surface for durable bonding with final finish.
  • Duraphos.507 operates at low temperature, concentration and gives long life to final finish on metal surfaces.
  • Duraphos 507 can operate in immersion application

Physical & Chemical Properties:

Appearance: Liquid.
Color: Colorless clear.
PH (1%) at 25 °C: 2.9  ± 0.2
Sp gr at 25 °C: 1.25 ± 0.05
Total Acid Points (1%): 5.5 ± 0.3
Miscibility in water: Miscible


All required process tanks could be fabricated from stainless steel. In spray system pump’s impeller & spray nozzles must be of PP, PVC, or Stainless Steel, use of any titanium or titanium alloys parts to be avoided.

Operating Parameters:

Concentration (v/v %): 1.0 to 1.5
Pointage (TAP): 5 to 8
Temperature (°C): 45 to 50
Time (min): 1 to 3
Nozzle pressure (Bar):  1.0 to 1.5
PH: 3.0 to 5.0

Process Sequences:

  • Degreasing & Phosphating with Duraphos 507
  • Rinse with fresh water
  • Passivation
  • Drying

Initial Preparation :

  • Duraphos 507 is used for heavy oily steel to improve cleaning specially with oily steel.
  • Duraphos 507 can treat substrates like iron, steel, zinc and aluminum.
  • Duraphos 507 cleans, degreases & iron phosphate the substrates.
  • Add 10 to 15 liter of Duraphos 507 per 1000 liters of operating volume.


Following precautions will help to maintain a clean operating bath.

  • Skim the oil from the surface of Duraphos 507 tank at least twice in a shift.
  • Clean the tank at least once in two months to remove all the deposited silt and dust in the bottom.
  • PH of the rinsing tanks should be kept between 6.5 to 8.5 for better cleaning and to keep work piece free from yellow patches.
  • In spray system nozzles should be cleaned time to time.